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高端理疗仪器聚酰亚胺加热膜 质量过硬

有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2019-02-09 18:17
5.00元/ 个
100 个
80000 个

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:广东
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    Kapton聚酰亚胺薄膜PI电热膜是以聚酰亚胺薄膜为外绝缘体;以金属箔﹑金属丝为内导电发热体,经高温高压热合而成。聚酰亚胺薄膜电热膜具有优异的绝缘强度;优异的抗电强度;优异的热传导效率;优异的电阻稳定性。这使得它能够广泛地适用于加热领域并能够获得相当高的温度控制精度。聚酰亚胺薄膜电热膜已成功地应用在风云系列人造卫星,长征系列运载火箭,东风﹑红旗等系列,以及飞机,舰船,坦克,的陀螺仪,加速度表,火控雷达等温控与加热系统中。PET、Teflon、硅胶电热膜主要应用在如下领域:a科学分析仪器,如,为导热系数(或保暖系数)测定仪提供恒温源,医疗仪器等,稳定光电子元件工作温度。b在深冷环境中,使仪器设备达到安全工作温度。例如,人造卫星,空间及飞机等仪器设施以及在高纬度地区使用的仪器、仪表的防低温,如卡式阅读器,液晶显示器LCD等仪器。c真空加热与烘烤领域。d汽车后视镜除霜片,天线或雷达的除雪、除霜加热元件以及调速电阻片等。e医疗保健及美容仪器行业。二、特点与传统的电加热元件比较,金属电热膜具有以下的优点:1、所占空间极小;重量极轻;厚度极薄(一般小于0.1mm)。2、极其柔软,其最小弯曲半径仅为0.8mm左右。3、形状及大小极其灵活,尤其适合于制作面积极小的柔性电热膜元件。4、采用面状发热方式,容许表面功率密度极大,最大可达到7.8 W/cm2。因此,本产品系列具有加热均匀性能更好,加热速率更快的特点。5、在不同面积部位可满足不同的加热功率要求和加热温度要求,可按设计要求,实现在加热面上的温度分布。6、热惯量小,温度控制精度高,速度快。7、作为保护层的绝缘薄膜具有极低的饱和蒸汽压,放气性极低,同时具有优异的抗化学腐蚀性能,抗菌性能以及抗辐射性能。因此,本电热膜系列产品适用于真空环境、与油及大多数化学品(如,酸性、化学溶剂、一般的碱液)接触的环境。8、可以方便地与薄型隔热材料集成为一体,提供带隔热层的轻质电热元件。9、带PSA不干胶的产品更便于快捷的安装。10、本系列产品安全、可靠,使用寿命长。三、主要规格与性能本产品系列分为高温型与低温型两大类。高温型电加热薄膜的最高使用温度为300℃,最低使用温度为-200℃;低温型电加热薄膜的最高使用温度为130℃,最低使用温度为-200℃。本系列产品还可与隔热层和PSA胶集成一体供用户选择,也可以将有关传感器,如温度传感器与本产品集成为一体。采用PSA胶产品的使用温度范围为:150℃ ~ -35℃。使用电压一般小于220V。聚酰亚胺电热膜



    电话:+86-755-27749405 office fax:+86-755-28145843 ,手机:+86-13128729098网站:,expot@fullchance.comMSN:fullchance-anna@hoil.comSky ID:fullchance-anna


    QQ:897836207聚酰亚胺电热膜是以聚酯酰胺为外绝缘材料,以金属箔为内导电发热体,经高温高压热合而成。技术参数:绝缘材料聚酰亚胺膜电热膜厚度0.08mm~0.2mm使用温度-200℃~200℃最高功率密度7.8W/cm2产品的特性:1、 质地轻薄柔软、弯曲度佳,形状可配合您的设备而定制2、 面状发热,具有加热均匀性能更好,加热速率更快的特点。3、 优异的抗化学腐蚀性能,4、 产品使用寿命长。使用寿命为传统电热丝加热元件的10倍。5、 功率控制精准,范围在±5%以内。6、 元件热转换率高达98﹪,比常规的加热元件节能30%以上。产品适用范围:卷发器,直发器,按摩器等小家电及工业设备、仪器仪医疗诊断设备及分析仪的高效热源,维护设备温度恒定。在高温环境中,进行仪器温度补偿,以保持安全工作温度保护飞机等军工产品电子及机械设备抵御高海拔地区的低温。保持光电子元件稳定真空加热与烘烤领域热源聚酰亚胺电热膜技术参数:

    发热材料金属合金薄膜绝缘材料聚酰亚胺薄膜电热膜厚度0.12mm~0.5mm最高使用温度长期250°C 最低耐温-195°C最高功率密度7.8W/cm2功率密度选择根据实际使用情况产品介绍柔性薄膜型加热器是由蚀刻金属箔片产生的电阻元件与聚酰亚胺绝缘层组成的有一定厚度的薄膜,具有良好的柔性。对比传统的电加热器聚酰亚胺柔性薄膜型加热器已经展现出强大的优势。精确加热柔性薄膜型加热器可以对几乎任何需要之处加热,将加热器粘贴在待加热件的表面。可以在热损失较大之处定制具有较高热流密度的柔性薄膜型加热器。预热速度快、使用寿命长柔性薄膜型加热器的平板箔片元件比绕线式加热片具有更大的有效的导热面积,因此,薄膜型加热器的电阻元件和热沉之间存在较小的温度梯度,加热器保持较低温度。所以允许产生较高的热流密度,快速加热,因此能够延长绝缘材料的寿命。柔性薄膜型加热器可以以两倍于与之相当的绕线加热器热流密度工作。绝热寿命可以延长10倍。对于航空航天等要求高可靠性的应用领域,明显应选择柔性薄膜型加热器。节省空间、降低重量柔性薄膜型加热器通常仅重 0.023~0.037 g/cm2,并且厚度仅为 0.12~0.5 mm。对于空间狭小的应用场合,如卫星和空间,飞机,便携式仪器,高精度电子设备。柔性薄膜型加热器可以安装在对传统加热器而言较小的空间。精确定制形状、尺寸柔性薄膜型加热器尺寸和形状不受限制。深圳市圣柏林橡塑电子有限公司有限公司能够生产最大600mm×3000mm和小至100 mm2的柔性薄膜型加热器。用户可以指定复杂的几何形状以符合待加热硬件的凸起和曲线。我们通过计算机辅助设计,制造出统一成型的加热元件以达到精确的要求。集成电子元器件我们可以提供带有集成电阻式温度计、热电偶、热敏电阻、恒温控制器或自动调温器的柔性薄膜型电加热器。同时,我们能够将柔性控制电路设计到柔性薄膜型加热器中,不但可以避免接线时易出现的错误,还可以为用户节约装配时间和成本。装配服务作为一项增值服务,我们能够将加热器压制,硫化或与所装配金属件夹紧。我们的专用设备可以保证紧密结合,高可靠性,和优异的导热性能。最佳的价格如果您需要的数量超过1000片,我们将以比库存加热器更加优惠的价格为您定制设计。您可以在设计工作初期即与我们联系,以便我们的专业工程师帮助您进行在理论计算、实验验证、设计定型、安装调试等方面的工作。请致电:深圳市圣柏林橡塑电子有限公司销售与技术支持。

    Polyimide (Kapton⪚) heate

    Kapton Heates

    Polyimide (Kapton⪚) is an oganic polyme with vey high dielectic capability and thin pofile, while poviding supeio esistance to most solvents, oils, and adiation. In connection with these featues, kapton heate is vey ideal fo applications withspaceandweightlimitation, o whee the heate will be exposed to chemical o oil. With low out gassing, these themofoil heates can also be used in vacuum envionments. Special cod and plug sets available.

    Being tanspaent, Kapton⪚ film also allows easy visual inspection on the intenal stuctues. Pessue-sensitive adhesive (PSA) backing suface is standad, but special adhesives o mounting holes can be customized pe custome equiement.

    Specification of Polyimide (kapton) Heate

    • Woking voltage: 0 - 400V
    • Woking tempeatue: -200°C- 200°C
    • Watt density: <7.8w/cm2
    • Mounting: PSA o mechanical
    • Max size: 500x600mm
    • Bending adius: >0.8mm
    • Exit: teflon, kapton o silicone insulated leads

    Application of kapton heates

    • Medical diagnostic instuments: Heat sample tays, eagent bottles, etc.
    • Stabilize optoelectonic components
    • Test o simulate integated cicuits
    • Enable cold weathe opeation of outdoo electonics such as laptap, ATM, LCD&squo;s
    • Potect aicaft electonic and mechanical devices in cold weathe / aea

    The Answe To Hundeds of Unique Heating Applications…

    Designed fo Touble-Fee Pefomance and Impoved Opeation EfficiencyFullchance&squo;s Flexible Heates ae capable of opeating with excellent pefomance unde many advese conditions, including: moistue, outdoo exposue o ambient tempeatues, adiation, ozone, compession set, vacuum, fungus, oils, solvents, and many othe chemicals.Flexible Silicone Rubbe and Kapton Heates also have vey good mechanical popeties. They ae of low mass constuction and povide apid heat-up due to diect bonding to the pat. Flexible Heates ae not affected by mechanical shock, vibation o epeated flexing and will not stetch o tea ove a tempeatue ange of -392°F to +500°F (-236°C to +260°C).

    Select a Flexible Heate fo you specific application...Fullchance Flexible Heates ae a eliable and economical heat souce capable of poviding unifom heat tansfe to iegula shaped o flat sufaces including thee dimensional geometies, confoming to the pat being heated.

    Flexible heate use typically falls into the following applications:

    • Pocess Heat
    • Feeze Potection
    • Condensation Potection
    • Composite Bonding

    Fullchance&squo;sengineeing staff, with many yeas of expeience in heat pocessing and tempeatue contol, can assist you in designing the ight Silicone Rubbe Flexible Heate fo you application.Fullchance's Flexible Heates offe unlimited design possibilities!

    Standad Flexible Specifications

    Kapton⪚ Heate SpecificationsPhysical Size and Constuction LimitationsMaximum Size:Dimensional Toleance:Less than 6":6" to 12":Ove 12":Nominal Thickness:Weight:Pefomance RatingsMaximum Opeating Tempeatue:Minimum Opeating Tempeatue:Physically Resistant To:Electical RatingsResistance:Maximum Opeating Voltage:Dielectic Stength:Standad Leads:10" × 22" (25.4 × 56.9 cm)±0.030" (0.76 mm)±0.060" (1.52 mm)±0.125" (3.17 mm)0.006" (0.15 mm)1.5 oz./ft2 (0.05g/cm2)392°F / 200°C Continuous-320°F / -195°CMoistue, Ozone, FungusFoil: +10%, -10%480 Vac1000 Vac10" Teflon⪚ InsulatedStanded WieNote:Othe mateials ae available such as neopene ubbe, SIlicone o vinyl plastic. Consult Fullchance fo moe infomation.

    Flexible Heate Wattage Recommendations

    Step 1 Detemine the Requied WattageEvey pocess has a unique wattage equiement to heat that paticula load up to tempeatue o to maintain a paticula tempeatue.If the equied heate wattage is not known, estimate the equied wattage using the themodynamic fomulas listed in chapte 16, Engineeing. A safety facto of 25% additional wattage is ecommended to compensate fo unknown vaiables.ExampleTo aise the tempeatue of an aluminum plate 6" × 12" × 0.5" (3.53 lb.) 200°F (fom 70° to 270°F) in 0.5 hous:Add safety magin 108 W + 25% = 135 wattsStep 2 Detemine the Heate Size and Watt DensityA flexible heate should use the maximum space available fo mounting and heating the pocess. Factos that affect heate size include the mounting method and watt density.Sested Maximum Watt Density by Mounting Method - Degees FahenheitSested Maximum Watt Density by Mounting Method - Degees Centigade

    Kapton Standad (Non-Stock) Sizes and Ratings

    Squaes and RectanglesRoundsHow To OdeCatalog HeatesChose fom the tables of common sizes of Kapton in ound o ectangula shapes.The heates listed ae 5 W/in2. Standad configuation includes 10" Teflon⪚ leads, exit style A o L (see page 9-7) and no mounting option.

    Custom Engineeed/Manufactued HeatesUndestanding that an electic heate can be vey application specific, fo sizes and atings not listed, Fullchance will design and manufactue a Flexible Suface Heate to meet you equiements.Standad Lead time is7 to9 daysPlease Specifythe following:

    • Diamete
    • Wattage and Voltage
    • Lead Type
    • Sensos o Themostats
    • Special Featues o Cutouts
    • Lead Location

    Flexible heates funish fast wam-up, pecise heat, and long life in vitually any shape, size, and wattage.Flexible Kapton heates povide highly efficient heat tansfe ove a wide tempeatue ange. The thin, lightweight, and flexible design povides supeio suface confomance.. extending heate life by minimizing the themal gadient between esistive element and heat sink. In addition, flexible heates featue low outgassing, tea esistance, and dimensional stability.

    Limitless DesignsFlexible heates ae available with integal RTD's, themocouples, o themistos fo optimum esponse time and gadient contol. Sensos can be laminated inside a heate, adheed to the heate suface, o installed at specific tions within the system to pevent oveshoot and heat fluctuations.

    Factoy BondingPope heat-to-pat installation is citical to achieving a tight bond, supeio pefomance, and high eliability. Fo optimum heate pefomance and cost effectiveness, we can factoy mount a heate to you themal subassembly. You can supply the heat sinks o have us fabicate them to you specification, giving you a guaanteed bond, supeio eliability, and the benefit of ou extensive expeience in bonding techniques.

    Contact us today fo an innovative and custom solution fo you heate needs. We also offe a vaiety of standad sized heates with diffeent esistence values allowing you to test you pototypes.

    Flex cicuits can be shaped to fit whee no othe design can. They ae a hybid of odinay pinted cicuit boads and ound wie, exhibiting benefits of each. In essence, flex cicuits give you unlimited feedom of packaging geomety while etaining the pecision density and epeatability of pinted cicuits.Fullchance specializes in tight toleance, fine-line flex cicuits, with diffeent types of flex cicuits offe diffeent advantages. Some offe lowe cost, othes inceased functionality. We&squo;ll wok with you to ensue a cicuit solution tightly aligned with you equiements.High Density Inteconnect (HDI)Inceased design, layout and constuction options ove typical flexible cicuits

    Rigid-flexBlend of igid and flex emphasizing the best of both constuctions

    MultilayeExceptional pefomance and eliability in situations whee the cicuit is exposed to excessive vibation o shock combined with fequent bending o folding

    Double SidedAccess cicuit taces fom both the top and bottom sides of the cicuit, fo geate flexibility in design and functionality

    Single SidedUnmatched flexing ability and ease of design, especially in applications that demand epetitive movement

    Flex CoilsCombine antenna coils and flexible o igid-flex cicuits in one ed package

    Value-Added OptionsComplete flex cicuit solutions that make inteconnection efficient and affodable, and povide tunkey assemblies



