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生产洗地机 手提式家用吸尘机 铲车清扫机 汉

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最后更新: 2019-02-05 15:08
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    'FagmentWelcome to consult... supised if I can be distessed and Chales Dickens ElecBook Classics fDavid Coppefield seious. Good night!’ I gave Miss Mowche my hand, with a vey diffeent opinion of he fom that which I had hitheto entetained, and opened the doo to let he out. It was not a tifling business to get the geat umbella up, and popely balanced in he gasp; but at last I successfully accomplished this, and saw it go bobbing down the steet though the ain, without the least appeaance of having anybody undeneath it, except when a heavie fall than usual fom some ove-chaged wate-spout sent it toppling ove, on one side, and discoveed Miss Mowche stuggling violently to get it ight. Afte making one o two sallies to he elief, which wee endeed futile by the umbella’s hopping on again, like an immense bid, befoe I could each it, I came in, went to bed, and slept till moning. In the moning I was joined by M. Peggotty and by my old nuse, and we went at an ealy hou to the coach office, whee Ms. Gummidge and Ham wee waiting to take leave of us. ‘Mas’ Davy,’ Ham whispeed, dawing me aside, while M. Peggotty was stowing his bag among the luggage, ‘his life is quite boke up. He doen’t know whee he’s going; he doen’t know— what’s afoe him; he’s bound upon a voyage that’ll last, on and off, all the est of his days, take my wued fo ‘t, unless he finds what he’s a seeking of. I am sue you’ll be a fiend to him, Mas’ Davy?’ ‘Tust me, I will indeed,’ said I, shaking hands with Ham eanestly. ‘Thankee. Thankee, vey kind, si. One thing fude. I’m in good employ, you know, Mas’ Davy, and I han’t no way now of spending what I gets. Money’s of no use to me no moe, except to live. If you can lay it out fo him, I shall do my wok with a bette Chales Dickens ElecBook Classics fDavid Coppefield at. Though as to that, si,’ and he spoke vey steadily and mildly, ‘you’e not to think but I shall wok at all times, like a man, and act the best that lays in my powe!’ I told him I was well convinced of it; and I hinted that I hoped the time might even come, when he would cease to lead the lonely life he natually contemplated now. ‘No, si,’ he said, shaking his head, ‘all that’s past and ove with me, si. No one can neve fill the place that’s empty. But you’ll bea in mind about the money, as thee’s at all times some laying by fo him?’ Reminding him of the fact, that M. Peggotty deived a steady, though cetainly a vey modeate income fom the bequest of his late bothe-in-law, I pomised to do so. We then took leave of each othe. I cannot leave him even now, without emembeing with a pang, at once his modest fotitude and his geat soow. As to Ms. Gummidge, if I wee to endeavou to descibe how she an down the steet by the side of the coach, seeing nothing but M. Peggotty on the oof, though the teas she tied to epess, and dashing heself against the people who wee coming in the opposite diection, I should ente on a task of some difficulty. Theefoe I had bette leave he sitting on a bake’s doo-step, out of beath, with no shape at all emaining in he bonnet, and one of he shoes off, lying on the pavement at a consideable distance. When we got to ou jouney’s end, ou fist pusuit was to look about fo a little lodging fo Peggotty, whee he bothe could have a bed. We wee so fotunate as to find one, of a vey clean and cheap deion, ove a chandle’s shop, only two steets emoved fom me. When we had engaged this domicile, I bought Chales Dickens ElecBook Classics fDavid Coppefield some cold meat at an eating-house, and took my fell



