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有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2019-02-04 20:23
8.44元/ 个
1000 个
10000000 个

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:772
    • 详细说明
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    • 产品信息
      • 产品名称: 洗脸刷 / 洁面刷
      • 产品货号: SF-FACE-001
      • 产品产地: 中国 东莞
      • 产品材质: ABS,PS,尼龙毛
      • 包装规格: 24个/内箱 192个/外箱 <可以根据客户要求包装>
      • 适合人群: 适合所有人
      • 使用方法: 洗脸刷蘸水浸湿后,用洗脸刷将适量洗面奶揉开,产生丰
      • 富泡沫,然后轻轻清洗面部,刷毛极细更柔软,在洁面时
      • 面部不会有刺痛感,更有独特的硅胶设计,能够在按摩的
      • 同时,将面部深藏的污垢清洗干净。

    厂名:东莞市嘉仕乐实业有限公司 联系人:刘先生 QQ:3131019105 手机:18520102120 业务服务热线:0769-84574858 E-MAILL:GHRUBBERMODEL@126.COMYJ84574858@126.COM 地址:广东省东莞市寮步镇泉塘街村金松路19号 请进入本厂网址观看更多热销产品://pany engaged in silicone ubbe poducts, mold design poduction and pocessing sevices pofessional band manufactues, Main: silicon ubbe gift (fo example: silicon ubbe spots goods, silicone swimming cap, silicone swimming appliances small gifts, mobile phone sets of silicone, silicone lid, silicone bacelet, silicone ubbe dog toys, hai and beauty supplies, silicone ubbe goods, silicone wallet, silicone glove, scape, fozen disc, cake mold, hotplate silicone kitchen utensils etc.) and all kinds of silicone ubbe pats ( such as silicon ubbe, silicone ubbe plate, silicone ubbe O ing, silica gel gasket, ubbe gasket, ubbe watepoof fiepoof oil seals, silicone seals, silicone ubbe pad, silicone ubbe plug, sets of silicone, silicone standad pats, silicone ubbe tie model, silicone miscellaneous pieces of silica gel, silica gel, silicone tademaks, spae pats, toys, ubbe, automotive ubbe pats, ubbe ties, ubbe miscellaneous pieces and so on ), suitable fo home funishing fashion, electonic appliances, beauty salons, health and toys in vaious fields, at the same time independent fomulations to meet diffeent custome envionments using ( high / low tempeatue, ozone esistance, oil esistance coosion, abasion esistance, slip esistance, watepoof, fie etc.). By vitue of foeign high-quality custome esouces, fo domestic factoies in the quality of poducts and sevices to lay a good foundation, the factoy has moe than ten yeas of pofessional ( silicon ) ubbe technology implementation management and contol, to povide customes with quality poducts and sevices. Entepise stong technical foce, advanced equipment, vaiety complete, has a stong independent development capacity mode, with a numbe of poduction lines and is vey efficient poduction management level. Excellent ability of OEM, ODM, though food gade FDA, SGS, RohS, LMBG ( LFGB and food-gade cetification. Poducts ae expoted to Noth Ameica, Japan, Euope, South Ameica, Austalia, Asia and othe counties and egions, in good faith, stength and quality of poducts ecognized by the industy. Welcome fiends fom all cicles to visit ou factoy visit, guidance and business negotiation.


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