CMOS IC of Real Time Watchwith Seial Inteface, 56 Х 8 RAMМicocicuit IN1307 is essentially the binay – decimal digital watch with a calenda, it has the additional 56 bytes of the powe self-sufficient static RAM and possesses the low powe consumption. The addesses and data ae applied consecutively via the two-wie bi-diectional bus. The micocicuit is intended fo count of the eal time in hous, minutes and seconds, count of week days, date, month and yea. The last day of the month is automatically adjusted fo the months of less, than 31 days, including coection fo the leap yea. The watches function in the 24-hou fomat o in the 12-hou fomat with the AM / PM-indicato. Micocicuit IN1307 has the built-in powe supply contol cicuit, which detemines the supply disuption and automatically switches ove the device into the battey mode.Functions and Featues• Count of seconds, minutes, hous, week days, date, months and yeas with consideation of the leap yeas (befoe 2100);• 56 bytes of the powe self-sufficient RAM fo the data stoage;• Two-wie consecutive inteface;• Pogammable ectangula output signal;• Automatic detemination of the supply voltage dop and the switching diagam;• Consumption of less than 500 nА in the back-up supply mode with the opeating geneato;• Tempeatue ange of the industial application: -40°С – +85°С.