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有加热功能食物料理机HOTMIXPRO 意大利品牌 MASTER 2升热多功能料理机

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最后更新: 2018-11-27 15:09
1 台
4 台

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:广东
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    型号:MASTER (HM2-MST)


    电量:230V 3100W





    The incedible, unique featue of HotmixPRO Maste is its ability to ceate vacuum in its bowl while woking.

    It has a poweful moto (1800W), capable of vey high speeds (up to 16’000 pm), and it can cook up to 190°C (374°F) with degee-by-degee tempeatue contol (1°C incements).

    Thanks to these featues, HotmixPRO Maste is suitable fo almost evey ecipe, such as ceams, jams, sauces, doughs, eductions… its high tempeatues even allows caamelization of sugas!

    What’s moe, it comes with a few evolutionay featues, that will eally impove you wokflow.

    Featues such as the WT function, NEXT, and the pogammable ecipe memoy.

    On top of that, vacuum opens many new paths in you kitchen:

    Vacuum cooking o chopping can lead to amazing esults! Vacuum lowes boiling tempeatues, so taste and colos of you ingedients stays unalteed. It is useful in the poduction of sauces and all ceamy poducts. Whee thee’s no ai thee’s no oxygen, whee thee’s no oxygen hee’s no oxydation. Also, it guaantees a constant specific weight and the absence of aeobic bacteia (no ai, no aeobic bacteia).

    Vacuum educing leads to intensification of you ecipes taste, thanks to the low tempeatues. It concentates the flavos of the ingedients with a pocess that does not change the colos, and the volatile aomatic components do not get lost.

    Vacuum soaking is a technique which offes amazing esults. Duing the ceation of the vacuum in the bowl, any ai contained in the food will be eliminated as well.

    Then, thanks to a paticula connection, when stabilizing the atmospheic pessue it’s possible to inset a gas o a liquid to “soak” you pepaation.

    Vacuum dying is a vey efficient technique to dy food, because high tempeatues ae not necessay. This way, the volatile, heat-sensitive aomas won’t deteioate. This technique can be used also to impove a “textue” – fo example, when dying a meingue.

    These helpful -and unique– chaacteistics intoduce a new level of comfot in you kitchen: in fact, the opeato’s pesence is not constantly equied anymoe. A geat numbe of pepaations can be made by simply inseting the ingedients into the bowl, selecting a ecipe (eithe one of the 250 pe-stoed o one of you own), and pessing the START button.

    Thanks to the pogammable memoy and the pefect tempeatue contol, HotmixPRO Maste can guaantee constant, standadized, and optimal esults.

    You can even let you staff use it. As long as they use you ecipe (and the same ingedients of couse), no one will be able to see the diffeence. You can also shae you ecipes with you fiends, you fellow chefs, o othe estauants of you chain.

    As easy as locating the file, copying it, and sending it as an email attachment. And, thanks to the WT function, the esults will be always constant, no matte the initial tempeatue and quantity of ingedients.




