功率:≥1300W功能:1.高温抑菌,清洁时产生的95℃高温蒸汽,能有效杀死接触面上的细菌、螨虫、微生物和病原体,让家中的地板、沙发等更清洁健康,放心小孩的坐、躺、滚、爬。2.去除顽固污渍,高温蒸汽,能对顽固污渍进行高温溶解,配合软毛刷或纤维抹布即可轻松去污。3.蒸汽烘干功能,具有蒸汽烘干设计,能使清洁后的表面快速干燥洁净,保护和延长家具的使用寿命。4.人性化手柄及伸缩杆设计,清洁更轻松,可以定制5、单个独立包装,机身丝印品牌LOGO飒图电器口号 :八年坚持,只做优质小家电! 选择飒图电器的八大理由: - 1、出口三十多个国家及地区
- 2、一直以来无客户退货
- 3、客户复购率高达60%
- 4、八年坚持,只做优质小家电
- 5、大量现货,保证货源充足
- 6、交货期超同行一倍
- 7、美国的品质,中国的价格
- 8、选择我们不是唯一,但一定正确
MOP X5 with Built-In Potable Steame is designed not only to thooughly clean floo sufaces, such as mable, ceamic, stone, linoleum, sealed hadwood floo and paquet, but get you entie house clinically clean! The H2O MOP⪚ X5&tade; deodoizes sanitizes and inceases cleaning powe by conveting wate to steam. It also uses a micofibe floo cloth to enhance absobency.
MOP X5 Featues:
- Cleans Without Chemicals
- Vesatil and Easy to Use
- Supe-Sanitizing Powe
- Continuous Hot Steam
- Supe Lightweight and Maneuveable
- 1300watt of powe,voltage:220v-240v,50HZ o 110v-120v,60HZ
- Wate tank holds appoximately 400ml
- steam eady in20 to30 seconds
- on/off powe swich with LED ON/OFF light
- steam egulato has fou settings-low,medium,high and hot spay
- 6 metes(19-1/2'L)powe cod
- Easy to switch between tempeatues,modes and accessoies
- Quick elease cod wap fo use's convenience
- Shote suface dying time
- Seveal minutes of steam action with one tank on low setting
- Chemical fee
- Helps emove 99.9% of e.coli,salmonella and yeast-causing bacteiaan andup to 98% of mold-causing bacteia when held on some had sufaces fo 10 to 15 seconds
When contact is made with floo sufaces, dit and gime can be eliminated in a matte of seconds. Just detach the steam geneato fom the H20 base and becomes a poweful handheld steame. Cut tough baked on oven mess, sanitize kid's toys, blast away dit in gout even steam clean blinds! Attached the Capet Glide and it convets into a capet steame! The dit stops hee!
5 in 1 Cleaning Machine
1) Floo Steame cleane2) Capet Steame3) Hand-Held Steame4) Window Cleane5) Gament Steame